May 11, 2017
Bringing the Green Indoors: An Interview with Urban Jungle Bloggers’ Igor and Judith

Tylko caught up with Igor and Judith - the creative forces behind the blooming community of plant lovers collectively known as Urban Jungle Bloggers.
We’re totally plant-obsessed at Tylko – from snake plants to succulents you’ll find them all over our office! So naturally we were super excited to meet the duo responsible for the the foliage phenomenon, Urban Jungle Bloggers. The two plant pals connect hundreds of green-thumbers online while providing great tips and tricks to transform spaces into urban oases – all from their homes in two separate cities.

You’ve created a really vibrant and verdant community of urban gardeners. How did this idea come about?
It was more of a coincidence. We knew each other from blogging and met up in Paris. Over coffee we discussed all things blogging, styling, interiors and then we realized we had another mutual passion: living with plants. We created then a blog series on our own blogs and right after the first post we received great feedback from our readers who wanted to join in. Step by step, and the Urban Jungle Bloggers community was born. Now three and a half years later it’s still growing and thriving!
What is it about indoor greenery that turns you guys on so much?
Plants bring life into interiors. It is easy to proof that: If you live with plants and you decide to remove all plants from a room (like at our places that happens sometimes for photo shootings), then you realize how empty and dull a room looks. Plants add life and reconnect us to nature – in our own homes.
What is the easiest way to begin growing an urban jungle in one’s apartment?
Always consider your constraints: How much space do you have? Is it bright enough? Is it too dry in your home? Also do you have time to tend to plants or are you traveling a lot? According to your needs, you can then find the adequate houseplants. This will save you from disappointments. Always choose plants that match your lifestyle. And start small – grow your urban jungle slowly and with more confidence in growing plants you can enlarge your own urban jungle step by step.

Photo by Cate St Hill /
If I am constantly traveling and rarely home but want to test my green thumb, how do I start? What plants are best for that?
Choose plants that can handle absence of care and water. Think of cacti, succulents, snake plants, but also Pothos, spider plants and others are suitable.
In Warsaw, where Tylko is HQ’ed, we have a major winter smog problem. What plants are good for cleaning the air?
There are several studies that prove the ability of plants to purify the air. They remove toxins in the air and release fresh oxygen which eventually enhances your living environment and helps you concentrate, sleep better, get creative and live a healthier life in general. The most well known air purifying plants are the Snake plant, Pothos, Dracaena, Areca palms and the Peace Lily.
What is your vision for your community in 5 years?
We want to grow it and keep it fun, interesting, informative, and creative. We want to encourage plant lovers to share plant knowledge and experiences among themselves. We want to delve into more video content soon and we would love to take Urban Jungle Bloggers offline too. Stay tuned!

Photo by Candy Pop /
So there you have it – straight from the source! Plants in your space are the ideal partner to fight smog and boost your creativity! Luckily, Tylko’s shelves provide the perfect place (and perfect-fit) for your urban jungle to grow to great heights! To learn more about perking up your place with plants, check out the Urban Jungle blog, or pick up their gorgeous book!