Interior Ideas

February 10, 2018

Tylko’s Guide to Fight-free Furniture Buying for Couples

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It’s psychologically proven: visiting furniture box stores and spending an entire day struggling to assemble your purchases is a relationship red zone. No worries, Tylko’s got you covered.

Fighting the crowds at big box stores together, then fighting each other trying to put together a jumble of unmarked pieces? Tylko says no! We take a look at the science behind the stress and how our assembly won’t disassemble your relationship.

Design and Decide as a Duo

Having a clear idea of what you’re after helps keep conflict at bay. By designing a piece together to your exact specifications, you can make sure everyone in your relationship is happy – from the artistic aesthete to the “function before form” fanatic. Tylko’s easy customization options are a perfect way to try different ideas out and visualize them in your space – before spending a cent. It’s the easiest compromise you will never feel you’re making.

Bye-Bye Big Box

This one is a no-brainer. If giant furniture stores are basically guaranteed argument triggers, why not avoid them completely? No queues, no endless maze of arrows on the floor, no screaming toddlers – just you and your partner, enjoying a little co-creating from the comfort of your home. Bliss. With Tylko’s super easy app and online ordering, you can even furniture shop in bed. Now that’s better than meatballs.

Delivery Without the Divorce

Ever witnessed a relationship meltdown in a parking lot as couples try to fit 35 flat-pack boxes into the back of a VW Golf? Exactly. Buying the furniture is sometimes the easy part compared to getting it home. Avoid the logistical nightmare of delivery and let us do the heavy lifting. After ordering your perfect piece, Tylko’s team of dedicated delivery professionals drop your furniture off right at your door, leaving your relationship and roof-rack intact.

Assembly Sans Argument

We know that the words flat-pack can strike fear into the hearts of most couples. Thankfully, Tylko has developed “argument-free assembly”. We use personalised manuals and a system of color-coded pieces that snap together instantly – no tools or fiddly little connectors required. It’s literally a furniture – and relationship – revolution. Win win.

Eliminating the elements for potential disagreements while furnishing your home is not only smart thinking, it’s romantic, too. Less time spent on petty arguments and assembly stress means more time for… well, you know, other pursuits. Enjoy, furniture shoppers!